How Often Should You Schedule Septic Pumping? A Comprehensive Guide

Well, now is the time to address the most commonly asked question - “How often should I schedule septic pumping?” 

Not everyone will know how often a septic tank must be pumped. Well, for starters, you must know that - a septic tank is not the same as a sewer system and requires specialized care. While you may be hoping for a one-size-fits-all answer - let us tell you that the frequency depends on the tank size and number of people using the system. 

Apart from that, other factors can determine the frequency of pumping the septic tank. Hence, it is always recommended that you seek professional help offering advanced septic pumping in Sacramento. Most of them will recommend you get it done every 2-3 years - which again does not apply to all septic tanks. 

So, in this guide, we have discussed everything that can help you understand when and how often you must schedule your septic tank pumping. 

Why Should You Pump Septic Tank Often?

When you have a septic tank installed in your home, wastewater from your house goes to the tank, where it separates the waste into - 

  • Sludges are heavier and go to the bottom of the tank, where microorganisms and other bacteria live. 
  • The liquid waste, or the effluents, stays in the middle layer, which goes to the drainage or leach field, where soil works as a filtration system for these liquid wastes. 
  • Lastly, the scum is mostly composed of grease, oil, and fats - which floats at the top. 

The problem occurs when all these start building up over time, and after a certain point of time, the bacteria are not able to break it down. This might result in the overflowing of the septic tank to the drain field. Hence, it is important to pump septic. 

That’s not all. Not pumping a septic tank is also against Sacramento law. This is because overflowing drains and septic tanks can cause environmental and public hazards. It might also lead to groundwater contamination

How Often Should You Pump The Septic Tank?

Most homeowners think by pumping too often. They are receiving the maximum return on investment - as there will never be enough sludge or scum build-up that might affect the septic tank. But the septic tank does not require to be pumped now and then. So paying for the service more often than you actually need - is just a waste of money, with no benefits. 

The thing is - like the human body, your septic tank also needs to maintain a level of good bacteria. It uses anaerobic digestion - which naturally breaks down the waste for filtration. When you pump the tank when needed - it reduces the biomass level to some degree - which can take 1-3 weeks to return to healthy bacteria levels again. 

So, if you pump your septic tank too often - it might be possible that the bacteria might never return to its optimal level. This might lead to clogs and tank failures - as there will be no bacteria to break down the waste. 

But how often to pump your septic tank?

Well, that’s determined by the scum and sludge levels of your septic tank. When the sludge reaches 1 foot at the bottom of the tank or the scum is 5-6 feet thick - it’s time to get your septic tank pumped. You can take a look to know when your septic tank requires pumping. But be sure to be cautious as these tanks are about 4-5 feet deep and might be dangerous if anyone falls in. 

So, if you are thinking Oh! I need to pump my septic tank annually, no sir! You don’t. The number of times it needs to be pumped solely depends on the tank size and levels - not the time frame. However, most professionals advise not to leave the tank unpumped for more than 5 years.

You can either check the level yourself or call a professional to help you do that. So there’s actually no need to pay for the service you don’t need. 

How To Know When Septic Tanks Need To Be Pumped?

Septic tanks need to be pumped when they are full or about to be full. Here are some signs you must look out for to know when septic tanks should be pumped - 

1. Sluggish Drains And Backups

If you experience your sinks, toilets, or showers draining more slowly than usual - this is not just a simple clog. It most probably means - your septic tank may be reaching its capacity. When the wastewater flow is clogged due to the filling up of the tank - it may lead to sluggish drains. 

2. Strong Odors

Full septic tanks often release foul smells. These odors are caused by gases produced during decomposition. When the tank is full, the odor starts leaking and spreading all over your home, making it unpleasant. If the unpleasant smells persist - it can indicate a serious issue, such as a breach in the tank or pipes. 

3. Standing Water Near the Drain Field

When you see water pooling around the drain field, know that your septic tank is full. This often happens when the tank is full, or the drain field becomes saturated and unable to absorb liquids. Even in dry weather, such standing water indicates a system failure and requires immediate attention.

4. Sewage Backups

When the tank is full - it prevents waste from being processed properly. This causes water to back up in the bathtub and shower drains. Sewage backups are unsanitary and also hazardous to your health due to the presence of harmful bacteria and pathogens. 

Note: Always consider calling a professional to clean and empty the septic tank. Doing it alone can be risky and hazardous. 

What Factors Determine The Frequency Of Pumping Septic Tank?

Here are some major factors that determines the frequency of pumping septic tank - 

1. Size Of The Household

The number of people in a family influences the frequency of septic tank pumping. If you have a big family - the tank fills up more quickly, as they produce more wastewater. In this case, pumping may be necessary every two to three years for a large family. On the other hand, the period may be longer for a smaller household. 

2. Size Of The Tank

The septic tank's capacity to hold waste is determined by its size. Less frequent pumping might be required with larger tanks because they can hold more sludge and wastewater. A 1,000-gallon tank in a small home might not need to be pumped for five years. However, in a larger home, it might need to be pumped every two years. 

3. Volume Of Wastewater Generated

Water consumption patterns, fixtures, and appliances all affect the quantity of wastewater generated. Long showers, frequent washing machine use, and excessive flushing all contribute to high water use. All these can cause the tank to fill up more quickly. Hence, it requires frequent pumping.

4. Type Of Waste

How frequently the septic system needs to be pumped depends on the kind of waste that enters it. Biodegradable waste materials such as - grease, sanitary products, and wipes build up and lower tank efficiency. So, homes that dispose of biodegradable materials only and avoid flushing harsh chemicals often require less frequent pumping compared to those that don’t. 


Septic tank pumping should not be done frequently. Instead, pump it every 2-3 years, or as needed. This is because, frequent pumping can remove all the good bacteria, which help break down waste material - this might lead to clogs. 

No wonder you can wait up to 10 years to drain your tank, provided you live alone. But if you are living with a small or large family - you have to pump your tank, as recommended by a professional. So, schedule a septic tank inspection to understand when it’s a good time to pump your tank. 

Looking For Septic Tank Pumping Near You? Call Advanced Septic Pumping In Sacramento!

If you think it’s time to pump your septic tank, call Advanced Septic Pumping. We will take care of all your worries - we will measure the tank so that you don’t have to worry about the messy sticks to dispose of and no heavy septic lid to take care of. 

After measurement, we chart out the best recommendation for your schedule. We also inspect and help you with advice on how to keep your septic tank functioning properly. Also, our services include - grease traps and hot water hydro-jetting

Call Advanced Septic Pumping in Sacramento to book an appointment. We help you keep your septic system healthy with our maintenance service.